26 June 2023

Music Monday: I ran...

This has always been one of my favorite songs,  and I can't beat an epic remake when I'm staring down another Camp Nanowrimo month. Enjoy. Watch this space for more Nano tidbits and other bits...once I can slow down enough to blog about them! 

24 June 2023

June Newsletter! Better One, or Better Two...?

Hey, y'all. Listen, I have a question for you. Have you been to the eye doctor recently/ever? You know how you have to tell the doctor which lens helps you see best, with the tried and true, "better one...or better two?"

Well, today you get to do that for me. I need some feedback. I'm looking at changing the font on the front of Red to make it more interesting and less...well, drippy. The font that I thought looked like FIRE actually looks more like MOLTEN LAVA and that isn't the vibe I'm going for here. So....

Better ONE or better TWO:


Let me know what you think. I can see pros and cons for both.

In the meantime, I will be starting on the edits for Hero in July for Camp NaNoWriMo, and working more on the failed Kindle Vella project, "The Outpost." More on that later.

I had a FANTASTIC weekend at Con Carolinas after an equally fantastic one at the Author Event at GARF. While you're thinking on which font is better, have a look through some photos from those two events.

Remember, my next event is Congregate in July...I hope to see you there!

This pose is becoming a tradition...Kaylee Frye at 50 Cosplay and Saucy Vala Cosplay

The ConCarolinas Corner Setup

GARF Day Two Cosplay: An Author, a la 1994

Your Intrepid Authors in the Wild

Look, y'all, it's my sister!

Life in a Southern...Canopy.

The Booth at GARF...the Hot and Sweaty Booth...

19 June 2023

Music Monday: Of High School Memories and Age Related Concerns

When I was in high school, a MILLION years ago, I was actively involved in my church's youth program. Kinda hard NOT to be, when one is the eldest daughter of the minister, right? Anyway, we were constantly raising money for one trip or another, and one of those fundraisers came in the form of a talent show (and maybe spaghetti dinner? I can't remember). My good friend and resident Duckie (IYKYK Pretty in Pink), Sean, and I did a rendition of "Just You Wait" from My Fair Lady, and then Sean, another friend, and our MYF (again, IYKYK) leader (who is now in the Virginia State Legislature) did a skit that involved the SC state dance, the Shag. Shag is in the Swing family, I think. 

So, I heard this song on telly recently and had to add it to my summer playlist. I've forgotten the steps in the TEN MINUTES AND I WILL NOT BE TAKING QUESTIONS since that talent show, but I still remember it fondly when this song comes on. Enjoy (lyrics are in captions).

PS - because my brain is about half British at this point, you can imagine how CAREFUL I had to be to write a blog post about this dance style. Giggles abundant. 

12 June 2023

Music Monday: It's coming...Nano is coming...

I may have posted this one already, but if I did it deserves a repeat. When I was a kid taking piano lessons, this song was OF COURSE in my repertoire as it was for every kid. But this version...it speaks to me of a storm brewing, a conflict coming, a reunion just on the verge of happening. It makes me want to write, and that is my favorite kind of music...especially on the cusp of another Nano month in July. Enjoy. 

(No lyrics this week because this is just instrumental.)

05 June 2023

Music Monday: Don't Dream, Con is Over

This weekend was amazing! I spent my time with a table and some authors at ConCarolinas in Charlotte, NC and got to see faces I only see now and again and hug a lot of necks (more on that later). It is never long enough, and I'm reflecting on why this morning with the help of a little Crowded House (I mean, 80s music...GenX, y'all). Enjoy...I'm going to need more coffee.

(lyrics are in the CC)

A special Music Monday

Bryn at CRF, photo courtesy of Lisa Margolis. Our Bryndled Beastie, CGC     "Bryn" 2013-06-16 - 2025-02-21 She started working at ...