24 November 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

A reposting of a Thanksgiving post to a message board...What I am thankful for:

I'm thankful for Henry, Foxfire, Striper, Marky, Luna, Xena-Angel, Alex-Angel, Abee-Angel, Buddy, Onyx, Bucky-Loo-Loo, Nellie, Tyson, and all the other fosters that may have only spent one night under my roof but have left permanent footprints in my heart.

I'm thankful for BoBo-Angel, Lizzard-Angel, Profee and Jeany, the fosters that never left.

I'm thankful for Hunky, the first greyhound that captured my heart, and thankful that he can now run around with healthy feet.

I'm thankful that I still have my Old Man Kitty Zooey around with me to swat at my pants when he's ready to be held...and that his Little Old Spinster sister Franny still howls when I've slept past breakfast time...and that Mills, the baby cat at 7 is still burrowing into my hair at night to wake me up with a purr that sounds like a freight train...

I'm thankful for my biological family who is supporting me unconditionally through this process and still loving me when I throw tantrums.

I'm thankful for my Deaf family who love me even though I'm hearing and I sign things wrong, and who have taught me the value of sitting still and just listening.

I'm thankful for my Rennie family...those seven weeks of hell and laughter were just what I needed to keep me going this fall. Ya la ya la! Ai-awa ai-awa..ya la ya ha bi bi!

I'm thankful for the friends that have known me forever and the ones that haven't...all of you keep me going.

I'm thankful that I'm almost 34 and I am relatively healthy and relatively intelligent and that I have a new life ahead of me full of promise. Happy Thanksgiving.

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