17 February 2009

Leap, and the net will appear...or the mail will, at least.

(Many apologies to Christine Kane for that title...that song is keeping me sane these days, so it's no wonder it's at the forefront of my mind.)

Well, somewhere about an hour or so after that blog post about my passport, I decided that there was nothing I could do to fix it until the PO updated their website tonight and I knew where my passports/marriage certificate/etc. had ended up.

I didn't check it until I'd been to Anne's and we had a great dinner followed by much fun in an altogether TOO quiet Target. I'm still smiling.

Label/Receipt Number: xxxxxxxxxxx
Status: Delivered
Your item was delivered at 11:13 AM on February 17, 2009 in NEW YORK, NY 10022. The item was signed for by J BLTH.
Dream, and the way will be clear. Pray, and the angels will hear. Leap...and the net will appear... C.Kane, "Right Outta Nowhere"

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A special Music Monday

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