Here's a quick recap of our American Vacation...
22 June: Get up before the crack of dawn and catch taxis/trains to Manchester Airport. Land in Atlanta, take train to meet family and spend a lovely night with Susan and Dave and Joy.
23 June: Travel to gorgeous North Georgia Mountains with parents.
24 June: Have lovely lunch with my father's sisters and brother. Got to meet Dad's brother for the first time, and found him to be a lovely man and an absolute image of my father in 20 years.
25 June: Traveled up to Greenville for a wonderful evening with Katy, Kurt, and ELLLLLLEREEEEE. Thanks for providing us an oasis of calm and a fabulous evening of conversation. We'll put the sheets on the guest room bed for you right away!
26 June: Became shopping fools at the "Yellow Mall" in Gaffney, SC. Discovered just how much heat one body can take before shopping stops being fun. I did manage to snag two new pairs of Privo! Sofrito shoes from the Clarks outlet which made me happy beyond mention. If anyone can find a pair of them in denim, I'll be your hero...
26-28 June: Left Yellow Mall and headed to Anne's in Greenville. Had an awesome weekend of laughing, shopping, Girly-Fying Leah, and general tomfoolery. I really needed that, Ladies (and Russell). Thank you so much.
28 June: Traveled back to Mom and Dad's to get Simon's things together and ready for him to fly back to the UK. Spent another lovely evening just hanging out and talking, then a harried few hours cramming things into every inch of his luggage.
29 June: Went back to Greenville to take Simon to the airport, and then took Leah to the Yellow Mall for more Girly Shopping. Finished off the evening with mexican food al fresco in downtown Greenville followed by a grand stroll up and down Main St. I absolutely adore that town, even in the sweltering heat.
30 June: Left to go back to Mom and Dad's. Caught an online class that gave me some CEUs for my interpreting certificate and again had a great time just sitting around talking. Have I mentioned how much I love my family?
1 July: Fantastic Day. Did Nothing. Much Relaxation.
2 July: Took a field trip to Athens, GA. I had lunch with my former boss and long time friend, Kevin. Was good to catch up and CHINESE BUFFET is always a good choice. After lunch, he dropped me off at THE MOST GORGEOUS TARGET I HAVE EVER SEEN and I spent two hours wandering the aisles before Mom and Dad came to collect me...and spent yet another hour there. When I tore myself away from Nirvana...err...Target, we headed over to pick up my Aunt and had a lovely dinner at Roadhouse Grill. Good day all around...I drove the BMW back to Cleveland and it didn't try to strangle me with the seat belt even once.
3 July: Packing day...sort of. Dad and I went up to my G'ma's house and got some of my things that had been in storage, and ended up sitting in the den just talking for a few hours. I learned more about my family and about Dad's time growing up, as well as felt very close to my Aunt who died almost two years ago. Was a bittersweet but good day.
That brings us to today...we are going to Susan and Dave's to have a BBQ with them and then hear Susan preach tomorrow morning. I'm packed other than essentials and am now heading off to get all girly-fied and ready to go see the most gorgeous baby on the earth, Joy.
Simon and I were discussing this vacation before he left on Monday, and I think that we will see a different Nancy when I get back home on Wednesday. I needed to get away, even though I don't work yet. Our house was becoming a shrine to all I had lost. I was still suffering under the losses of Jeany and Hunky as though they'd just happened. I was lamenting the loss of things I'd had in America and was unable to embrace the things I now have in the UK. Now I find myself missing my English friends and ready to get back to Keighley and start my new life...only 4 months late, right?
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A special Music Monday
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"I was lamenting the loss of things I'd had in America and was unable to embrace the things I now have in the UK."
OMG it's like it's me speaking! That is exactly how I feel at the moment and it's like you put into words!
Amanda xx
Saying it is one thing, but how to we make it not happen anymore?
Um unfortunately I think it's just a time thing :( Time is to blame for a lot of things haha.
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