03 December 2009

Piano Lessons and Happy Birthdays

A year ago this past Tuesday I was working at the University of Georgia. I had a class in the Poultry Sciences building to interpret and was running up the hill between Clark Howell Hall and the Chemistry/Biology block of buildings because, per usual, I was late getting to campus. My phone went off in my pocket and I simultaneously pulled my iPod earpiece out and slammed the phone against my head. Breathing like something off a bad B movie, I answered the phone and heard the most wonderful news I'd heard to date: "Joy is here!"

A year ago this past Tuesday something incredible and remarkable happened. My sister and her husband had their daughter, my niece, Joy. Now, I've had nieces and nephews and god-daughters before, but this time it was different. Joy is my sister's child. She's my niece. And she's perfect.

I can't believe she's a year old now or that I wasn't there to celebrate with her on her special day...but I'll see her next month when her parents take her on her first trip to the UK. Until then, join me as I enjoy her piano "lesson" with me back in October of this year. Miss you, Joy, Auntsie loves you to absolute bits.

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A special Music Monday

Bryn at CRF, photo courtesy of Lisa Margolis. Our Bryndled Beastie, CGC     "Bryn" 2013-06-16 - 2025-02-21 She started working at ...