27 June 2022

Music Monday: Saudade

So...it has been a few days, hasn't it? I am unapologetically pro-choice and pro-women and the actions of the SCOTUS last week have shaken me to the core. Where ya going, US? 1965? 

This song struck me as describing the feeling we all have after hearing that decision:  "Saudade is a word for a sad state of intense longing for someone or something that is absent." (Per Google) In this case, I think, it is a longing for feeling like an equal part in society...the absence of feeling like we matter, or that someone has our back. 

Of course, by Saturday we were all ready to fight...but that is a different song.


By Maro

I've tried to write a million other songs, but

Somehow I can't move on, oh, you're gone

Takes time, alright

And I know it's no one's fault, but

Somehow I can't move on, oh, you're gone

Saudade, saudade

Nothing more that I can say

Says it in a better way

Saudade, saudade

Nothing more that I can say

Says it in a better way

Tem tanto que trago comigo

Foi sempre o meu porto de abrigo

E agora nada faz sentido

Perdi o meu melhor amigo

E se não for demais, peço por sinais

Resta uma só palavra

Saudade, saudade

Nothing more that I can say

Says it in a better way

Saudade, saudade

Nothing more that I can say

Says it in a better way

Nothing more that I can say

Says it in a better way

I've tried, alright

But it's killing me inside

Thought you'd be by my side, always

[Translation of Portuguese lyrics in verse two:]

I have so much that I bring with me

It was always my haven

And now nothing makes sense, I lost my best friend

And if it's not too much, I ask for signs

Only one word remains

20 June 2022

Music Monday: On Grandmothers and Bananas

I'm going to revisit this year's Eurovision for today's Music Monday because I cannot help but smile when I hear this song...and I have a wolf(hound) that doesn't like bananas. Enjoy. (Hooray for YouTube videos with captions, right?)

13 June 2022

Music Monday: I Got Nuttin

I forgot Music Monday until Wednesday last week because everything has been just too much for the past few weeks. ConCarolinas was too much fun, but it was just a temporary respite from the very sick dog I have at home. Now, a week later, she is better...but she is older and the ick was pneumonia which is hard. So...I was watching the Tony Awards and wishing, as I do every year, that I had not given up on theatre when it got hard and I was doing the thing that makes my heart happy...and I came across Paradise Square and it is now on my TO SEE list. The last note that the actor hits had me plastered to the back of the couch. I'm talking Christine from Phantom, Javert from Les Mis and Phillipa Soo in Hamilton PLASTERED. Hopefully things will be better by next Monday.

(Lyrics not added because the video has CC capability, hallelujah.)

A special Music Monday

Bryn at CRF, photo courtesy of Lisa Margolis. Our Bryndled Beastie, CGC     "Bryn" 2013-06-16 - 2025-02-21 She started working at ...