14 June 2006

The Reverend Susan Rebecca Allen Grady


eBeth said...

what was that? the way it's lit, it looks like a play. :)

Nancy E. Dunne said...

Susan was ordained an Elder in the United Methodist Church last night. It should look like a play, it was on the stage at the Classic Center in Athens. :) I got a great picture of one of her parishioners at the reception holding up a hand-written sign that says "We love Pastor Susan Allen-Grady!" I'm a proud big sister.

eBeth said...

what does an elder mean? isn't she a bit young to be elder? (i know - totally showing my non-understanding of the methodist church)

Nancy E. Dunne said...

There is a two step process to becoming a minister in the UMC. You are commissioned first as a probationary member, and then after a certain period of time (3yrs I think) you are ordained as a full minister or "Elder."

Funny, though, Susan is in fact the youngest member of her class of ordinands (those ready for ordination) and was recognized as such. :) But sit down...my baby sister...turned THIRTY in April.

eBeth said...


my - how'd she get to be that old. wow. :)

Nancy E. Dunne said...

I know, right? That means I'll be THIRTY FIVE IN NOVEMBER.

Hey wait, so will you... /grin

eBeth said...

tell me about it.. i can hear my fertility waving goodbye to me as I type!

Nancy E. Dunne said...

Oh no, I've been hitting snooze on my biological clock, don't remind it that it's time to be going off...haven't had my turn yet. :)

A special Music Monday

Bryn at CRF, photo courtesy of Lisa Margolis. Our Bryndled Beastie, CGC     "Bryn" 2013-06-16 - 2025-02-21 She started working at ...