30 July 2006

More Stuff than I Could Shake a Stick At...

I had a remarkable experience today. I'm in Austell again, with my sister and her husband, and today my sister took me to the IKEA store.


I have never seen so much stuff before in my life!!! And the prices!!! I walked away with a bear for Hunky ("Bear Bear" or "Teddy" got eaten by the Profile Monster and met an early death, I think, at the Anderson House), a shark for Profile, and a duvet and duvet cover for Mommy! That's right, the girl that didn't even use a flat sheet just one year ago today bought a duvet and blue FLORAL duvet cover today...and I LOVE IT. I also love the fact that if something happens to the blue I can go back to IKEA and get another cover and have A WHOLE NEW COMFORTER on my bed.

You probably already knew this, but you can get cheap sofas there and even cheaper sofa slip covers that are made to fit their sofas, and have a different sofa in your den on a WHIM! Unbelievable. I walked around every bit the mouth-breather for most of the time we were in the store because I was just amazed. Or, as the guy on Dave and Susan's satellite radio Broadway Show Tunes show says, Ah-mah-zed. I was most definitely ah-mah-zed.

Did I mention that as we were leaving I picked up two kinds of sandwich cookies, my favorite Anna's ginger snaps and some chocolates? Yeah, what diet? Good LORD they are tasty...as Rachael Ray said about the Flying Biscuit, they were "almost too good to eat in public." And the cinammon rolls? My WORD.

I'm already looking ahead to thinking that I want a futon and an overstuffed chair in my den wherever I live in Montgomery. Bet I could look one up on IKEA...I know most of you already knew how awesome it is...in fact I think that I saw Liz's kitchen on display there! But I've finally caught up...and I am still ah-mah-zed.


Kalyne said...

LOL Nancy.

I'm still mad at my mom for buying me a 30 pack of ferrero rocher.

eBeth said...

Oh my gosh - i love Ikea.. our ENTIRE house is Ikea. And you and i now have matching duvets! Our blue one is on the (Ikea Malm) bed as I type! Welcome to the wonderful world of Ikea! :)

A special Music Monday

Bryn at CRF, photo courtesy of Lisa Margolis. Our Bryndled Beastie, CGC     "Bryn" 2013-06-16 - 2025-02-21 She started working at ...