Gun control. Violence in our country's classrooms. The right to bear arms. Adequate mental health services. All the bees that have been flying around in my head concerning the tragedy at Virginia Tech a week ago were silenced, really, when I found out that someone I knew and loved, someone I worked with at the holiest place on earth, Camp Glisson... someone that was kind and intelligent and creative...was one of the professors that was killed last Monday.

So the debates on gun control and parenting and bullying and rights and amendments and all that crap? Shove it. File 13. My friend Jaime, who once for reasons I have long since forgotten gave me a tennis ball with the word Nermal (and subsequent Nermals I and II when the campers dropped them in the pool or got them too muddy to handle) written on it in marker, is dead. That's enough to wrap my mind around for one day. I'll let the rest of you sort all that other rubbish.
The link above in the title is to Jaime's artwork...amazing stuff.
(edited 9/27/2019 to add that the link is no longer active, sadly)
I'm so sorry...
I remember Jaime.
That's so sad...
What was his last name? I got the most recent edition of Time magazine that had all the pictures of the victims, but I didn't recognize his.
Susan told me that Jimmy Moore told her that someone I would have known was killed and that the last name was Bishop. I thought it might have been Jaime but as soon as I saw the picture online I knew it was him. To me he looks exactly the same, just with glasses and longer hair.
I probably knew him better than you did because we were campers and counselors together, that's probably why you didn't recognize his grown up picture.
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