05 January 2008

Hello from the (slightly) Frozen North!

Originally uploaded by Nancy Allen
I have been in the UK since New Year's Eve, and this trip has just been amazing. First of all, I got to the Manchester Airport and found Simon, only to have him drop to one knee and ask me to marry him...in front of God and everyone and the baggage claim! Of course I said yes...now to figure out how to make a trans-atlantic life work on one side or the other.

The picture here was taken on the beach at Bamburgh Castle in Northumbria just yesterday...I don't know if you can tell, but I was COLD! (Yeah, saracasm, so?) In addition to the temperature, the wind was just awful and made this Georgia girl's teeth LITERALLY chatter. But just look at what's behind me...totally and utterly worth it. I hope that we can go back in warmer weather and get to see more of the castle.

I'll be back stateside in two days where hopefully it will be warmer!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Congratulations you two!

It's in the 60s here - quite toasty for January.

Can't wait to see you!

Music Monday: One Month Later

So, we got back from our trip to the UK and one day later I had another surgery in the long line of procedures that will eventually render m...