03 March 2009

Let it snow, let it snow...

Let it snow, let it snow...
Originally uploaded by Nancy Allen
Finally we're settled, sort of, at Anne's...after a rainy two days loading a moving truck (that wasn't big enough), a third day of trying to move in the snow (you haven't lived till you've carried a desk down a snowy stair with quarter sized snowflakes getting caught in your eyelashes...and a fourth day of basically squatting in my former house waiting for my parents to return with a rental van to get the rest of my junk.

But during that snowy adventure I saw my Daisy girl play, really PLAY with her new housemate Ray. My Mills has achieved a new level of brave living with his new feline housemate, Molly. And I've pushed myself beyond what I thought I could do...and I'm not dead...yet.

Now, off to sell my car...anyone want a 2003 Honda Element with almost 190k miles on it? The Hounda is a Good Good Car that has been very good to me and the dogs. It's a Honda, so it probably has another 100k in it. Going for $7k...which is a steal for one of the first Elements to roll off the assembly line if you ask me.


Anonymous said...

Awww gee Nancy if we were closer I WOULD buy your car... Elements are SO much better for my dogs than my Accord.... wahhhh.... would have even done a straight trade and you could have sold mine, which is worth more.. being an Accord and a year newer.. ah well, such is life! I need a blog :(

So Anne has moved and no one told me??? wahhhhh

Nancy E. Dunne said...

It's all good, Carla. I'm hoping that a dog person can use it (and will pay what I'm asking) but if not I will sell it to whomever can give me the $$ for it! :)

Kalyne said...

Pick me pick me pick me! I want the element!!! :)

Nancy E. Dunne said...

Hey, you got $7k it's yours sweetie. :)

Anonymous said...

Aww gee.. I thought it had already migrated to a dealers... hmmmmmm ...

Nancy E. Dunne said...

Nope. You flying down to SP? Could drive it back... LOL

Kalyne said...

Oh, you know, I def. have $7K in my back pocket. :p
I do need to start saving up for a car, seriously. :/

A special Music Monday

Bryn at CRF, photo courtesy of Lisa Margolis. Our Bryndled Beastie, CGC     "Bryn" 2013-06-16 - 2025-02-21 She started working at ...