13 March 2006

Profile Seinfeld (or how to win a talent show)

So we're at Sandy Paws, right? I mention to my FTH buddies that I'm thinking of entering Profile in the talent contest because he knows his obedience commands in ASL. They all go with me and thanks to one of them knowing the MC we get entered, allbeit late.

Our turn comes and I'm breaking bits of lamb lung into teeny pieces as we walk out center stage. "Profile knows his commands in American Sign Language," I say proudly. I then notice that he's got THAT LOOK in his eye.

Those of you that know him know what look I'm talking about. It generally preceeds something getting peed on or a mad dash about the den like it's the race track at Lowe's Motor Speedway.

"Sit" I sign to him. He backs up and scans the audience to make sure he's being watched. "Sit" I tell him again and he goes into a down. "That's not a sit," I say, reaching down for a better grip on his leash. At that moment he decided to do the trick he taught himself, so he stands up on his hind legs and snatches the treat from my fingers, grinning like a fool.

The audience roars with laughter.

He did manage to "leave it" (with me signing it I might add) when I put the lamb lung on the ground in front of him (after I finally got the ham to down!) and I swear he waited until I looked up to smile at the audience in relief before pouncing on it. "I'm done," I announce, giving a tug on his leash.

He sat.

So next comes the voting for winner. "And tied for first is WomanWhoWentBeforeUs with her dog DoesAllTricksPerfectly and Nan with Profile for their COMEDY ROUTINE."

We had to do something else for the tie breaker so I picked something I know he loves to do when people will clap for him. He grinned like a fool, and we came away with first place.

Comedy Routine. Miss Jane would be so proud...


Kalyne said...

Sounds like fun!

...but that's just Profile for you. ;)

Nancy E. Dunne said...

Yeah it is, that stinker. You've seen the running around like an idiot first hand now I think, haven't you?

BlingDog said...

Oh what a trip down memory lane! Left me feeling whistful yet smiling. I do miss that boy.

A special Music Monday

Bryn at CRF, photo courtesy of Lisa Margolis. Our Bryndled Beastie, CGC     "Bryn" 2013-06-16 - 2025-02-21 She started working at ...