05 January 2007

Yo Toto, when did we move to Kansas??

6:00 am I am awakened to the storm siren going off. To those of you who live or have lived in the western half of our country that's probably no cause for alarm. For me, who heard them last when a tornado ripped through my town just down the road from my house, it got my attention.

6:01 am My TV turns on (as a back up b/c I frequently ignore the alarm clock) and is already on the weather channel. Huh, they're talking about Montgomery on the national weather channel. Turn up the volume. Doppler Radar...rotation...take cover in Montgomery County...

6:15 am Have gathered the animals and am in the bedroom, not yet going to the walk in closet because I can't see the TV from there and they still haven't said there's a tornado on the ground.

6:20 am Storm sirens stop just as rain/wind/THUNDER picks up. I hear branches from my pine tree in the front yard smacking my storm windows.

6:21 am Thank GOD for storm windows.

6:35 am Finally see all clear on TV, get up to let the dogs out. Dogs won't go out. Get in the shower. Hear thunder that rattles the house. Speed up shower.

7:00 am See on local news that storm with rotation has headed for Tuskegee. Thank GOD again that I didn't have to sit in my walk in closet with five animals. Feed dogs.

7:15 am Sit down with hazelnut hot choc and the internet.

Quote of the Day: "When you're a meteorologist and you step outside to go to work and it's 70 degrees at 4am on January 5th, you know it's going to be an interesting day..."

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