05 September 2008

Vacation, Day Six: Surfing through Keighley on my knee...

I could NOT get going today to save my life. I think that I slept until well after noon and we didn't make it out of the house until after 3pm local time. And that, dear readers, is when my surfing began...and ended, really.

It was raining buckets and I was convinced that I was NOT going to take a single step out the door without the umbrella opened over my head. I remember stepping out onto my right foot and raising the umbrella to look for the button on the handle that should be easy to find but I have to look every time, and then feeling my right foot sliding out from under me. Next thing I know I'm almost doing a split, bad cheerleader style, in the small entryway to Simon's house while clinging to the umbrella with my right hand and Simon with my left. I hit the pavement pretty hard with my left knee and bent my left foot completely backwards.

We came back in to sort me out, but I felt okay. You see, in this country they don't sell a lovely little medicine called Midol. When you ask for that, the kindly pharmacist at Boots gives you Paracetamol with Codeine. Seriously! Over the counter! No Rx required.

I made Simon look that up earlier to see what paracetamol is and agreed to take it after finding out it's derived from the same compound as the active ingredient in Tylenol.

I had taken the recommended dose of the paracetamol and didn't really CARE about the pain in my knee or ankle. In fact, I only started limping a little bit after we got to downtown Keighley. Gooooood stuff. I'm sure I'll have a goose egg on that knee but that's what long trousers are made to cover.

We're back in now and I'm off to go make myself a sandwich and nurse my knee...when the meds wear off, that is, and I start caring again...


Unknown said...

I made Simon look that up earlier to see what paracetamol is and agreed to take it after finding out it's derived from the same compound as the active ingredient in Tylenol.

Do you remember when some company came to US advertising a new pain medication "same as used in Australia" and it was paracetamol. Tylenol made them take down their ads, lol.

Unknown said...

the kindly pharmacist at Boots gives you Paracetamol with Codeine

Wait, so you can buy what they call on the street "T3's" without a prescription but you can't get a simply antibiotic ointment for a blister without a notarized (with raised seal) letter from the Queen?

A special Music Monday

Bryn at CRF, photo courtesy of Lisa Margolis. Our Bryndled Beastie, CGC     "Bryn" 2013-06-16 - 2025-02-21 She started working at ...