12 April 2009

"Jeany Bean"
Bud's Lady Jean

5 April 1997-10 April 2009

Jeany came to me nine years ago, afraid and spooky and unwilling to come out of her crate. She loved her first Daddy Scott, and as animals are able to do so much better than humans, she was devoted to him. When we left him she grieved, but she happily took on her new role as den mother. She was a definite presence anywhere she went, and she fell so head over heels in love with her new Daddy Simon that she hardly knew I was there any more.

Jeany had lots of crushes...her first was BoBo and then Profile. I think it lessens the pain for me to think of the three of them together again...her tiny little prissy head in between her two giant brothers. After her brothers she was quite smitten with a boy in her obedience class called JD...she failed because she paid more attention to him than anything else. I think her favorite in recent time though was Unka Ray. When I can bear to look at them, I will post some of the pictures I took right before we moved of J on the couch, front paws wrapped around Ray's head. Bless him, he could have gotten up but I think he liked her too.

Jeany was first and foremost a diva princess who could get her Daddy Simon to spoon feed her WATER and her Auntie Janet to pull chicken skin off raw chicken for her, then hold the whole yucky mess for HRH to decide which bit she wanted first. But most of all, she was my precious babygirl, my Jeany Bean, and Simon's Jeany Beany Meany Queenie. She was Auntie Leah's Little One, Daisy's babysitter, and Hunky's soulmate. He seems to know...he let me hold his head in my lap for a long time.

Thank you all for all your prayers and good thoughts and love. We love you back, to pieces.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She was a good dog. We'll all miss her.

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