20 April 2009


Hanging on to Mommy's Arm
Originally uploaded by Nancy Dunne
Hey y'all. I'm absolutely recovered from the tumble down the stairs, due in no small part to all the walking I did this weekend! Saturday Simon and I ran errands all over Keighley and Leeds, including a brisk walk from Leeds train station to Leeds Kirkgate Market to Costco and then back to the train station. I lost the will to live 3/4 of the way to Costco, and then nearly wept at how much it looked like the store in Greenville.

Sunday we took the dogs down to Church Green in Keighley for the first Farmer's Market in quite some time. Keighley's Town Council (KTC) is working hard to revitalize the area and this once a month market is just one of the events on offer. We got some delicious cheeses, apples from an organic farm, local honey and homemade lemon curd, homemade cibatta bread, and some duck leg quarters for the dogs. Simon also got some plants from a local farmer including lavender and oregano and others.

After that we met up with Simon's parents and had a lovely lunch at Haworth Old Hall (roast beef, roasted veg and potatoes, and yorkshire pudding with a lemon tart/real cream for dessert) and then "strolled" up the High Street in Haworth.

In a slightly related note, I've decided that the word Haworth is actually Yorkshire for "REALLY STEEP HILL" and Lincoln is Lincolnshire for "HAWORTH IS EASY."

I'm still tired, but it was a fantastic weekend. I think the funk is lifting and I might just enjoy living here. I have my GPS in my new phone ready to try and walk to the grocery store this afternoon. Wish me luck!

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