05 October 2005

Another Day, Another Rant

Now then, before I get started, this is not in any way a declaration that I am planning on having a child as a single mom. Okay? Everyone calm? Good.

I am getting a divorce mainly because I want to have a child or children. Due to my age, I am considering other means of becoming a parent in addition to having my own biological offspring. I am also considering the fact that I may be a single mom even though I don't think that is the optimal way for a child to be raised. I know lots of single moms and dads who have support systems and raise fantastic, bright, well rounded children, so I know it can be done.

I found this on the AP and I'm disturbed and at the same time relieved that it hasn't spread to South Carolina...at least I don't think it has. There is legislation in the works in Indiana to prohibit all but married couples from beginning the process of having a baby by other means than natural conception.

It then requires "intended parents" to be married to each other and says an unmarried person may not be an intended parent.

A doctor cannot begin an assisted reproduction technology procedure that may result in a child being born until the intended parents have received a certificate of satisfactory completion of an assessment required under the bill. The assessment is similar to what is required for infant adoption and would be conducted by a licensed child placing agency in Indiana.

The required information includes the fertility history of the parents, education and employment information, personality descriptions, verification of marital status, child care plans and criminal history checks. Description of the family lifestyle of the intended parents also is required, including participation in faith-based or church activities.

Miller [author of the bill, Sen. Patricia Miller (R-Indianapolis)] said the state often reacted to problems and that she wanted to be proactive on this issue.

"We're not trying to stop people from having kids; we're just trying to find some guidelines," she said.

She acknowledged such a law would bar single people from using methods other than sexual intercourse but said "all the studies indicate the best environment for a child is to have a two-parent family — a mother and a father."

So, you can't adopt a baby in Indiana unless you're a married couple. I like the extensive checks they do until you get to the lifestyle and participation in faith-based or church activities. No mention is given of how that is weighed.

Now before I get a bunch of comments on how children should be raised in the church and I'm a heathen liberal that wants to drive traditional values out of our great God fearin' country...not the case at all. In fact, I agree that there is a place for religion in the formative years of a child's life. However...I think you have to remember that as the child of a minister I saw a very different side of the "church" experience than most as I grew up, and it continues to color my views of "religious" or "church" people. I can tell you this, when I am a parent I will expose my children to religion, most likely United Methodism because that's how I was raised, but we will have open and honest discussions about religion and its place in the world.

Anyway...off to work, just wanted to throw that out. I wonder if that law applies to older children waiting for homes in Indiana or just infants?


Nancy E. Dunne said...

...hard-working, drug-free, educated single woman...

OH you mean me! LOL Thanks! /wink

Kalyne said...

"The only thing sure in life is taxes."

(forget death, with medicine nowadays....)

A special Music Monday

Bryn at CRF, photo courtesy of Lisa Margolis. Our Bryndled Beastie, CGC     "Bryn" 2013-06-16 - 2025-02-21 She started working at ...