18 October 2005

No More Pictures, Huh Mom?

Profile ate a bit too much jerky at the Renn Fest today and had an...interesting ride home...bleh. I decided to snap a pic of him in the rear view mirror as he spent most of the ride home with his head hung over the seat like he'd just come off a bender... Posted by Picasa


Kalyne said...

Yea, i am not surprized he was doing that.

Nancy E. Dunne said...

Did you see him eating anything weird? I know the jerky was a problem because I saw it...but it also looked like he'd had french fries!!

Kalyne said...

I think he might of had some almonds.

Music Monday: One Month Later

So, we got back from our trip to the UK and one day later I had another surgery in the long line of procedures that will eventually render m...