11 October 2005

Nan and Kalyne Stick Weaving

Nan and Kalyne Weaving
Originally uploaded by NanLassiter.
The very first year we did CRF, there were two nannies associated with the mayor's court. One of them taught us "dog ladies" how to do Stick Weaving which is a period appropriate craft. I refer to it now as my Portable Loom Addiction. In this very bad bad picture of me (I'm gonna get you, Debbie, for that one! Hehe) you can see me showing our greyhound groupie, Kalyne, how to get started. She has already succumbed to the addiction and had her first scarf done by Monday.


Kalyne said...

I would have had my other one done today, if I wouldn't have had a headache.

GRRRRR! You're talking about how bad you look? Look at me! Plus you're the one who uploaded it you big goof.

Still have my headache. Day 2 1/2.

eBeth said...

Mary Catherine still wears the scarf you made for her, but it's getting a bit well-loved! I love it when she wears it because it reminds me of you. :)

Nancy E. Dunne said...

Hmmmm that might mean she needs a big girl scarf for Christmas this year...any colour suggestions?

Kalyne said...

Finished another scarf and am half-way done with another, which means I'll hopefully be able to get it done today. And I hope Rocket-Grace houndtobenamedlater will be there.

Nancy E. Dunne said...

So back to MC's scarf...when do I get to see a picture of her in it??

eBeth said...

ah - I will take one this weekend. I thought I sent you one before..

colours - anything really. she's very girly so pink would be very appropriate. :)

Fayme Zelena Harper said...

I just learned stick weaving as well. I posted a photo for you to see the four things I've made so far on six sticks. Today I'm going to make some canteen straps using 4 sticks, but first I have to finish the rainbow scarf in the photo. http://hypnokittyartstudios.blogspot.com/

A special Music Monday

Bryn at CRF, photo courtesy of Lisa Margolis. Our Bryndled Beastie, CGC     "Bryn" 2013-06-16 - 2025-02-21 She started working at ...