27 October 2005

The Never-ending House Hunt

Amy and I went out to look at a house yesterday in Central, SC. Cute Cute Cute little town. Cute house...but no fence. The agent handling the property also never showed up, but the sliding glass door was open so we let ourselves in to have a look.

The house was adequate. As I said to my mother on the phone, I have a tendency to look at these places with my "dream home" floating in front of them like some kind of ethereal litmus test. One story ranch compared to two story cape cod. Yellow wood exterior with hunter green shutters compared to white clapboard with navy shutters. Nothing will ever completely live up, obviously, but some houses come closer than others.

After sleeping on it, I've decided that while I could live in that house, I wouldn't be happy there. Something about it just didn't sit well. Plus, there was no fence in the backyard...something I think I'm going to have to have for the dogs. True, I could put in a little fenced area, but my hounds are used to having quite a bit of area in which to stretch their legs and I don't think a small enclosure within a big yard will work for them.

So I spoke to the agent this morning who claims she came out to the house "late" but we weren't there (we stayed at least 45 minutes) and told her that I just didn't think it was the house for me. Amy, thanks for finding it and for taking off work early to go with me to see it. Back to the classifieds...unless there are new developments with my investor friends...

Edited to add: I did speak with the agent about fencing, before I am accused of being too picky (LOL), and it was not an option. Just to clarify...

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