29 July 2005

A bit of sunshine

I'm currently in a holding pattern. My current employer is trying to match the offer I've gotten from the new job in Georgia...and honestly, I hope that he will be able to do so. The difference between moving up the road to Greenville where I know people and moving out of state to Georgia where I don't know anyone really but my sister and her husband is daunting. Not that I wouldn't want to live near Susan and Dave, but...I'm just becoming quickly overwhelmed by this whole process.

Not to mention Greenville would be closer to Jeany, who will be going to live with her Daddy, and closer to the Carolina Renn Fest which is an absolute passion of mine...

I talked with my mom on the phone yesterday...she's been the person I figured would have the most objection to me remaining in South Carolina...and she was okay with me making the decision that's best for me. Pretty darned pleased about that.

Now we wait to see what the offer is...

1 comment:

∫ťǾŖŖmłệ said...

Sounds like a good plan... as has been mentioned-- you are going through major amounts of life changes right now- and if you can control the amount of them all at once- that might make things a little easier to swallow - baby steps.

Although.... you cant fault a girl for saying i'll bet you'll make a TON more money living up here and we could split rent - itd be cheaper for both of us /evil grin

Sjonni's Friends - Coming Home (Iceland) Live 2011 Eurovision Song Contest

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