24 July 2005

House Shopping, continued

House shopping officially sucks. That house was perfect. It was beyond perfect. The crown molding made me want to weep. The backyard is fenced. There is a deck. The picture window in the front was beyond gorgeous.

And someone else got to it first.

The folks renting it were more than nice, and I don't bear any ill will toward them. They have made that house exquisite. It's not their fault that I'm slow, or that the other folks got to it first.

My sister and her husband drove me around that neighborhood and we got some numbers for me to call tomorrow on some other houses for rent. I'm also going to check Craig's List and Creative Loafing now that I know where the neighborhoods are.

It's hard to fight the urge to give up though. I guess I jinxed it after all.


eBeth said...

i know you probably have heard this already - but everything happens for a reason. :) hope you find something soon. whereabouts are you looking?

Nancy E. Dunne said...

Decatur, specifically the Emory/close-to-but-not-on Memorial Drive area...I have another lead tho...stay tuned! :)

∫ťǾŖŖmłệ said...

have no fear Nan, you may not get your dream spot the first time out on your own... the biggest goal i've been looking for in my house hunting is a place i can have my boys, just big enough for a futton and my computer desk and somewhere to put my tv... i'll be happy with a studio at this point. I feel that all of this will just be stepping stones for me to sock some more money in the bank for that dream place... and who knows... maybe by the time i find that dream-- I can just BUY IT!

A special Music Monday

Bryn at CRF, photo courtesy of Lisa Margolis. Our Bryndled Beastie, CGC     "Bryn" 2013-06-16 - 2025-02-21 She started working at ...