16 September 2005

I am a thief...of ideas...

Every blog I read gives me ideas for sprucing up and generally making more interesting my own blog...and I've stolen yet another idea. The two blogs that give me the most inspiration are ebeth/liz's blog and Amy's blog. This time the idea came from liz's blog, and if you scroll down you'll see it on the right hand side. I now have a flickr photostream!

Every visit I make to liz's blog ends up with me cruising through photos of the ever gorgeous Mary Catherine and other incredible photos in liz's photostream. So one day I started investigating this flickr thing and found it to be quite easy. Now every time you visit you'll see new photos, I think...though I don't have as many as liz does so you'll likely get to the end quite quickly.



eBeth said...

post more pictures! I love it! i really need to scan all the ones I have from our college days. can you imagine?! a bunch of pictures of us trying to hide our cigarettes, boone's farm and oh the fashions! I so wish the ripped jeans/long johns look was still appropriate for my life!

Nancy E. Dunne said...

Oh my LORD there is no way I'm putting any of those up...unless it's one of ebeth in a sorority jersey??? hehehe

Kalyne said...


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A special Music Monday

Bryn at CRF, photo courtesy of Lisa Margolis. Our Bryndled Beastie, CGC     "Bryn" 2013-06-16 - 2025-02-21 She started working at ...