19 August 2005

Faith in Humanity Partially Restored...

Remember the duplex that I had decided not to go see? It really wasn't a good fit for me anyway, not enough space and no yard for the boys. And...it's a duplex, it's attached to someone else's house. I emailed the folks to tell them, and got the NICEST email in response! Here's a quote:

I know you will be a great tenant for whoever is your new landlord. People who are parents of greyhounds are special, and I'm really sorry that all of my larger places are not available. I would like to have met you in person.

I mean, of course I agree that people with greyhounds are special...it takes a special person to put up with these aliens-masquerading-as-dogs...but the fact that she called me the "parent" of a greyhound meant a lot to me. There are not many folks in my life that really "get" the relationship I have with my animals and how much they are my family...so for a stranger to not only "get" it but appreciate it was pretty neat.

I also had an interesting if not accidental conversation with one of my soon to be ex-inlaws today. That actually made me sad because I hadn't let myself think about how much I'm going to miss them...how much I wished that his mom could have been my kids' grandmother...and just how much fun I have with them. I was encouraged to keep in touch and assured that there were no hard feelings...but it was still just weird. Weird and very, very sad...

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A special Music Monday

Bryn at CRF, photo courtesy of Lisa Margolis. Our Bryndled Beastie, CGC     "Bryn" 2013-06-16 - 2025-02-21 She started working at ...