15 August 2005

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'...

Holy Moly. Today is August 15th. We are halfway through August. Half of August is GONE.

So what?

So I have a month and a half until the Renn Fest season starts in Huntersville!!! YIKES! My costumes need to be cleaned. I have to do some fixing on my hood for my green costume. My corset needs HELP lest more stays decide to spring free of their casing as I am wearing it. I need to check in with Loretta about the blue velveteen costume. I don't know if I can even wear the green this year.

Major Freaking Out.

However, I LIVE for doing the Renn Fest. It is difficult, hot, uncomfortable, exhausting for me and the hounds, frustrating, and the absolute best thing I've ever gotten myself into in my life. I'm so glad that I've stuck with it. When I started doing the Carolina Renaissance Festival in the fall of 2001 we had four cast members. We had no place to call home, and were sort of "annexed" into the Mayor's court. I probably lost 20lbs that season just walking the grounds and definitely wore out at least one pair of shoes.

Since then, we've grown by leaps and bounds and have a huge tent all our own...this last year we even had a platform under the tent! We have new people joining the group all the time, and we just have so much FUN together. Hunky and Profile have become old pros...and know the festival grounds well. A bit too well...

Last year on one of the early weekends in the run, I had arrived and was setting up the tent. Hunk had fallen asleep on one of the dog beds, and since the festival grounds are, for the most part, enclosed, I dropped his leash and kept working. Sharon and her daughter and their beautiful girls Francesca and Canasta arrived, and of course Hunky perked up. He's quite the ladies man when Profile isn't around to hog all the female attention.

Sharon's daughter and her friend took the girls backstage for a potty run and apparently Hunk decided to follow them. I just looked up and he was gone. Frantically (half dressed, mind you, corset and hoopskirt on but no dress) I ran backstage calling him, out of my mind that Hunk was GONE...and I see him following the girls. Well...he saw crazy Mommy running after him and took off back for the tent.

The tent we had 2 years ago, mind you...

Hunk didn't come much during the 2003 season at CRF because of his bad feet, so he was headed for the tiny tent we had during the 2002 season. Luckily there were people at the gate that called him and caught his leash and held him for me. Silly boy. At least he didn't decide to try to find the car!

Enough of that...off to go start alterations and laundry.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. Cast picnic is this weekend, and there was a mayor's court meeting yesterday... and of course I had to go even though I'm not with them anymore...

Yes, I need a bodice. I grew out of mine before february... and I don't fit into my mom's peasant one, so I have no clue what I'm going to do!

Can't wait to see you!

A special Music Monday

Bryn at CRF, photo courtesy of Lisa Margolis. Our Bryndled Beastie, CGC     "Bryn" 2013-06-16 - 2025-02-21 She started working at ...