14 October 2024

Music Monday: Hijacked by a Hurricane

Well, that was a fun end to September. On the 27th, Hurricane Helene blew northward from the Gulf and hit the edge of Georgia, the Upstate of SC (where I live), and eastern TN before ultimately destroying a large part of Western NC. The past 2.5 weeks have been filled with calls to insurance companies, cleaning out our now moldy (I wish I was kidding) basement, and navigating around downed trees the size of my Honda Fit that are still being a nuisance and keeping people from having the power and internet they need. If you look up Hot Mess in the dictionary, it will show Helene with sneaky Milton not far behind as he ravaged Florida.

So I'm finally back to Music Monday and I'm sure I've posted this one before...but when I heard it days after the hurricane, sitting in my car to charge my devices and try to work since we had no power nor internet...it broke me a little, but in the best way. Thanks, Mr. Buffett. Bubbles Up. If you need help with this lyric, just look at the folks in WNC. "If a hurricane doesn’t leave you dead/It will make you strong/Don’t try to explain it just nod your head/Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On"

Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On
by Jimmy Buffett
I bought a cheap watch from a crazy man
Floating down canal
It doesn’t use numbers or moving hands
It always just says now
Now you may be thinking that I was had
But this watch is never wrong
And If I have trouble the warranty said
Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On

And it rained, It was nothing really new
And it blew, we’ve seen all that before
And it poured, the Earth began to strain
Pontchartrain leaking through the door, tides at war

If a hurricane doesn’t leave you dead
It will make you strong
Don’t try to explain it just nod your head
Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On

And it rained, It was nothing really new
And it blew, seen all that before
And it poured, the Earth began to strain
Pontchartrain buried the 9th Ward to the 2nd floor

According to my watch the time is now
Past is dead and gone
Don’t try to shake it just nod your head
Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On

Don’t try to shake it just bow your head
Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On

09 September 2024

Music Monday: Guess Who's Back...

 ...but not until October. Music Monday is on hiatus and will return on Monday, October 7th. See y'all when September ends. (Yeah, I know.)

26 August 2024

Music Monday: The Untold...Her

This song...y'all. If you're a Lindsey Sterling fan, then you probably already know this song. It's typically soaring and beautiful and just makes you catch your breath to listen. If you're a Team USA Olympic gymnastics fan, then you know this song from Suni Lee's similarly breathtaking routine that eventually won her a bronze medal..I think. That seems to change daily.

I listened to it with several of my characters in mind, and one stepped forward and strapped on her ice skates while her long-lost love watched from a window - he hasn't revealed himself to be back in her life yet. As goes with a lot of things that have Lindsey Sterling involved, this is going on my writing playlist. Enjoy. (No lyrics.)

19 August 2024

Music Monday: We may never pass this way again

Today's post is late, but that's because it became something else this morning on my way back from an interpreting gig. The song I was going to post isn't as meaningful right now...so here we are.

Seals and Croft's We May Never Pass this Way Again is important to me as it was in the soundtrack to a play I was in at uni - one of my favs, The Shadowbox. But today, a dear friend of mine lost her mom, and it just came all the way back to me. The play is about three families living in hospice, and at the time I couldn't really understand my character. But now, having lost both of my parents, I do..and I hope I can be a light in this awful dark for my sweet friend as she navigates her new normal.

(Lyrics in the video.)

12 August 2024

Music Monday: Of Befores and Afters

Today's Music Monday is a little bit about my current WIP and the FMC, but also a lot about me and my current situation. I was listening to it the other day and just reveling in the lyrics as I often do with Taylor Swift's music, but then I saw the video. All those past iterations of her arguing at the end made me think - I am not the same person I was this time last year when Eugene was discovered to be stage III breast cancer and not just a recurrence of my cyst from a decade ago. I've heard Hoda Kotb say that she has two lives now, pre and post breast cancer and that's very true.

It isn't just about the ways in which I look different now, post-chemo/radiation/bilateral mastectomy. Those things are surface level, really. The change that is sticking and that I'm thinking a lot about today is the change that happens to the me that was and the me that is. In early days, I just wanted to be through all the treatment, "so I can get back to my life." That, at the time, meant back to my then normal - hybrid remote work for the DayJob™️, appearance at the Georgia Renaissance Festival with Ciaragh, working all kinds of fandom conventions and other faires to sign my books...getting on with working toward being a full time author. Planning for our move abroad. Hanging out as much as I can with my US based friends before that move happens.

That stuff belonged to who I was before. Some of it has transitioned with me: the friends, the book signings on a smaller scale, the working toward being a full time author, and the DayJob™️ have all remained, just in different guises and on changed levels. But the renaissance festival appearances with the Hounds of East Fairhaven are in limbo at present - Ciaragh's death from lymphoma means I no longer have a rennie hound. The move abroad has been put off for a bit. Hanging out with the friends as much as possible has become keeping in touch as best I can and hanging out once in awhile.

But it's all okay. Eugene...look what you made me do. I am now worth the changes, even though they were awful in a lot of places. Welcome to the second half of my life.

Lyric Video: 

Regular video with, oddly, Japanese captions:

05 August 2024

Music Monday: Je Me Casse

I missed last Monday, not sure why, but honestly I didn't think of it until end of day on Tuesday. So here we are a little late, but...

I heard this one and thought immediately of the MC in my current WIP. She's very serious and careful about her outward appearance, but my writing partner said that he would like to see her dancing and letting go now and then. I can just see her dancing around in her flat on her own after carefully making sure there is no one around. It's also a fantastic song, another Eurovision number and we all know how much I love Eurovision. Malta did not disappoint here.

"Je me casse" is a slang French phrase that means "I'm outta here," and is something that I can hear Lark muttering under her breath when humans hit on her or just generally get in her face. Sometimes it's just too much for a vampire to keep her cool, you know?

Je me casse. (lyrics are in the video)

22 July 2024

Music Monday: Too Sweet

In the third week of this July's Camp Nanowrimo, as is the case often, I find myself stalling out. This is the collab with my brother Tony, this is a story that we've been working on for over a year, and yet I can't seem to keep myself motivated. It's a new genre for me, at least with an eye to publication, and Tony and I have wildly different writing styles and voices. But I adore Lark and Vyx, the two characters I'm responsible for at the moment, and so when I run across music like today's offering that just pushes through all the noise in my head and lets me hear Lark clearly I hang on tight...even if this song sounds like Connor (Tony's responsibility) all day long. Enjoy (lyrics in the video).

15 July 2024

Music Monday after ConGregate Weekend

Well, I'm still exhausted but grinning like an idiot because I have a new found love for my litRPG series, The World of Arcstone, (Thanks to Matt Dinniman for the validation!) and I thought I'd repost a previous Music Monday with the song that inspired Em and Lex's journey in those two books: We Could Be the Same by MaNga.

(Doesn't hurt that it was a Eurovision tune, either.) Enjoy! I'm going to go take another nap to recover from Con.

We Could Be the Same by MaNga

08 July 2024

Music Monday: Baby Lasagna

For today's almost on Tuesday Music Monday I'm revisiting Eurovision from this year. If you need a song to motivate you to write a chase scene or maybe a fight, this is your tune. I mean what could go wrong with a band called Baby Lasagna? Enjoy.

Rim Tim Tagi Dim
by Baby Lasagna

Ay, I’m a big boy now
I’m ready to leave, ciao mamma ciao
Ay, I’m a big boy now
I’m going away and I sold my cow

But before I leave, I must confess
I need a round of decompress
One more time for all the good times
Rim Tim Tagi Digi Rim Tim Tim

Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi

Gonna miss you all, but mostly the cat
Gonna miss my hay, gonna miss my bed
Most of all I’m gonna miss the dance
So come on ya’ll, let us prance

Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi

Don’t call, don’t write
I’m leaving with the first light
Don’t cry, but dance
Rim Tim Tagi Digi Rim Tim Tim

There’s no going back
My presence fades to black
There’s no going back
My anxiety attacks
Rim Tim Tagi Digi Rim Tim Tim

Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi

I hope I find, peace in the noise
Wanna become one of the city boys
They’re all so pretty and so advanced
Maybe they also know our dance

Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi

Bye mom, bye dad
Meow cat, please meow back
Don’t cry, just dance
Rim Tim Tagi Digi Rim Tim Tim

There’s no going back
My presence fades to black
There’s no going back
My anxiety attacks
Rim Tim Tagi Digi Rim Tim Tim

There’s no going back
My presence fades to black
There’s no going back
My anxiety attacks
Rim Tim Tagi Digi Rim Tim Tim

There’s no going back
My presence fades to black
There’s no going back
My anxiety attacks
Rim Tim Tagi Digi Rim Tim Tim

01 July 2024

Music Monday: You're gonna go far, kid.

So, full disclosure...I was reminded that I was once punk-adjacent and loved The Offspring when I heard this song in a video game advert. But I couldn't help thinking of the characters in my current WIP, the collaboration with my brother, and all of the fighting that is to come in the latter parts of their story. I mean, what's a good story without a boss mob to take down?

Yeah, that's back to the video game. Fair enough. But if you just need a good song with a pounding beat and some fairly dodgy and yet still awesome lyrics that you can almost belt out in the car or at the gym, The Offspring is a good bet. Works double for authors, you see - our characters can beat up on the bad guy while we beat up the keyboard writing those scenes. Win, win. What are your favorite songs to get ramped up and ready for (literary only) destruction?

Or maybe you're just staring down a new nano month and you need some motivation? I got you. GET IN! (Lyrics are in captions, and it's a bit NSFW in places but hey, that's the punk-adjacent way, man.)

25 June 2024

Music Monday: From the Other Side of the World

I may have posted this song as a Music Monday before, but I was just reminded of it the other day, so here's a Music...Tuesday? When Simon and I were first...dating? Emailing? Whatever, he did what any good GenX man would do and made me a mix...tape/CD/playlist of songs by British artists that I needed to hear. They were all marvelous but one of them will forever make me think of walking through the Atlanta airport on my way to visit him for the first time. All I need to hear is the sound of the dogs barking at the very beginning and I'm right back there, about to fly internationally for the first time to visit this Yorkshire lad who was so very important to me. "I blow you a kiss, it should reach you tomorrow, as it flies from the other side of the world..." Enjoy.

Fugitive Motel
by Elbow

Lost in a lullaby
Side of the road
Melt in a memory
Slide in a solitude

Not 'til I can read by the moon
Am I going anywhere
Not 'til I can read by the moon

I blow you a kiss
It should reach you tomorrow
As it flies from the other side of the world

From my room in my fugitive motel
Somewhere in the dust bowl
Yeah it flies from the other side of the world

I'm tired, I said
You always look tired, she said

I'm admired, I said
You always look tired, she said

Not 'til I can read by the moon
I'm not going anywhere
Not 'til I can read by the moon

I blow you a kiss
It should reach you tomorrow
As it flies from the other side of the world

From my room in my fugitive motel
Somewhere in the dust bowl
Somewhere in the dust bowl
It flies from the other side of the world

The curtains stay closed
But everyone knows
You hear through the walls in this place
Cigarette holes for every lost soul
To give up the ghost in this place

Give me strength
Give me wings
Give me strength
Give me wings

I blow you a kiss
It should reach you tomorrow
Reach you tomorrow
It flies from the other side of the world

From my room in my fugitive motel
Somewhere in the dust bowl
Somewhere in the dust bowl

It flies from the other side of the world
The other side of the world
The other side of the world

17 June 2024

Music Monday - I Walk The Line [Lyrics]

So today continues the tradition, apparently of the remnants of cancer treatment keeping me from remembering to do a Music Monday. At least I remembered while it was still Monday...

Today's choice is a song I came across by accident while looking up a song from a commercial. I have long been a fan of Halsey but hadn't realised she did this cover of the Johnny Cash classic, I Walk the Line. Once again, the MC from my current WIP popped her head out of the ether and mentioned that this song would be a good choice when she is contemplating the pull toward her wicked past... including a glass of wine and a picture window overlooking a rainy night in Atlanta. Well...if that doesn't scream ADD ME TO THE PLAYLIST I don't know what does. Enjoy - lyrics in the video. 

10 June 2024

Music Monday: The Air I Breathe

Miss me last week? What I am not so lovingly calling The She Hulking (radiation) has come to an end and I can sort of think straight. This song spoke to me about many of my MCs and the found family vibes that permeate my writing. Enjoy. 

27 May 2024

Music Monday: Well, hiya, Lark. Long time no see...

So I'm working on a writing project with one of my (adopted) older brothers and it has stalled out for me, probably because of all that's on my agenda these days that isn't writing related. And when I can't hear from the character I'm writing, Lark, he tells me to just listen - put on some music she likes and listen. 

Those of you that are plotters rather than pantsers can just look away now.

This song is one of her favorites and speaks to a lot of the plot and her as a character that I can't talk about yet. But it works, every time. Enjoy. 

20 May 2024

Music Monday: Calling All Friends...?

It's been a week, y'all, and it's only Monday morning! Here's my list of wants and needs for now - how about you? Just hang on, it will be Tuesday soon, I hope. 

Music Monday: Hijacked by a Hurricane

Well, that was a fun end to September. On the 27th, Hurricane Helene blew northward from the Gulf and hit the edge of Georgia, the Upstate o...