13 December 2008

This time, I'll get that Santa...

Mills has found a new hiding place now that I've rearranged his old hiding place. This picture reminds me of one someone took of my girl Franny a few Christmases ago in Montgomery, and made me miss all my babies that are only with me in spirit.

Tonight I'm sad for an internet friend of mine, Chrissy, who unexpectedly lost her greyhound boy Speck (Speculation, Specky Lee, the Speckster) today. There's a new star in the sky, but somehow the Christmas decorations seem a little more dim.

But instead of being too sad, I just imagine that Mills is lying in wait for the Fat Man to come down Mommy's chimney, so he can finally find out first hand (from someone that's been there) what the inside of the chimney looks like...since Mommy kept yanking him out of there and finally put the Gone With the Wind poster up to block further exploration.

In other news, Simon will be here DAY AFTER TOMORROW. At long last...

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Music Monday: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow...

No, I'm not going to quote the Scottish play. But I am going to recommend a singer that I'd never heard before tonight, as I was wat...