04 October 2021

Music Monday: Say MY Name

I have never made my love for Tom Hiddleston's Loki a secret. Let's just start there. Loki, the Norse trickster god in their original form AND the MCU's Loki have both inspired a lot of my antagonists AND protagonists, and the Hiddleston Loki is no different. If you can listen to this song and not think of Loki...specifically that clip from ComicCon when the MCU was hyping Thor:Dark World when Hiddleston appears and interrupts a panel as Loki...

Anyway, this video, Loki || Say My Name [collab with StoryDetective], is a perfect blend of the two and I love it. Enjoy, and know that this song will be blaring every time I sit down to write.

by Florence + the Machine

When we first came here
We were cold and we were clear
With no colours in our skin
We were light and paper's thin

And when we first came here
We were cold and we were clear
With no colours in our skin
Until we let the spectrum in

Say my name
And every colour illuminates
We are shining
And we will never be afraid again

Say my name
As every colour illuminates
We are shining
And we will never be afraid again

Say my name
As every colour illuminates
We are shining
And we will never be afraid again

And when we come for you
We'll be dressed up all in blue
With the ocean in our arms
Kiss your eyes and kiss your palms

And when it's time to pray
We'll be dressed up all in grey
With metal on our tongues
And silver in our lungs

Say my name
And every colour illuminates
We are shining
And we will never be afraid again

Say my name
As every colour illuminates
We are shining
And we will never be afraid again

Say my name
As every colour illuminates
We are shining
And we will never be afraid again

And when we come back we'll be dressed in black
And you'll scream my name aloud
And we won't eat and we won't sleep
We'll drag bodies from the ground

So say my name
And every colour illuminates
And we are shining
And we'll never be afraid again

Say my name
As every colour illuminates

Say my name
As every colour illuminates
We are shining
And we will never be afraid again

Say my name
As every colour illuminates
We are shining
And we will never be afraid again
Say my name
We are shining
Say my name
Say my name
And we will never be afraid again

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